Thursday, December 24, 2015


The latest update on the progress of the new Pickett's Charge! American Civil War rules has now been added to the Guns at Gettysburg thread: The new command and control mechanisms and aspects of other rules following on from an excellent play test at the Perry's are discussed in more detail.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Monday, September 28, 2015

LIGNY at the Wargames Holiday Centre

The Battle of Ligny 1815 was refought at the Wargames Holiday Centre using Mark Freeth's massive 28mm Napoleonic collection this weekend.

Fifteen players commanded French and Prussian in a hard fought refight of this penultimate Napoleonic battle.

See the thread below for the AAR.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

All New Guns at Gettysburg!

As I rewrite Guns of Gettysburg and redevelop the rules I've now reached a point where I have designed some very different mechanisms from the standard GdeB/GaG approach.
See the thread below to catch up on how the new rules are developing, which will also include a regular series of updates as the rules move towards publication.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


General de Brigade Volume 6 is making steady progress.

Thus far we have tested;
  • The Prussian Charge, Lutzen 1813, (re-worked Gross-Gorschen from Vol. 1).
  • La Garde au Feu, Lutzen 1813,

  • Action at Eisdorf, Lutzen 1813, (the aim is for all three Lutzen scenarios to be able to be linked into one large game.)
  • Franquemont's Attack. Bautzen 1813.
  • Hagelsberg 1813
  • The First Day of Kulm, 1813.
  • Dennewitz - Ney's Battle.
  • Dennewitz - The Saxon's at Gohlsdorf.
So, now have the three Leipzig scenarios to complete , plus two/three from 1814 and we're done!